Using Storytelling to Bring Your Mission to Life

Kevin Watson
Jan 30, 2023

Your purpose is the thing that makes you get up in the morning. It’s what drives you, what inspires you to work hard, and what helps you choose between good and bad ideas.

It’s also something most people can’t see on their own — but it doesn’t mean your purpose isn’t there.

We just need help telling it so people will trust us with their time and resources. The best way to do this is through storytelling: by telling our stories with real emotions and real people (including ourselves), we make them bigger than ourselves and show how they connect with other people’s lives too.

Your own story can help you attract loyal customers and employees who will help you build a better business

Your purpose is the thing that makes you get up in the morning. It’s why you do what you do. It’s why your life matters, and it’s also what makes it worth living.

Your purpose is more than just a job title or an occupation; it’s something deeper—something that keeps your heart beating and drives your soul forward on its path toward fulfilment and self-actualization.

This may sound like new age mumbo jumbo, but I promise it isn’t—not if you define purpose as “the reason for which something exists or was done”.

Telling your story so people will trust you

You’ve got a great product or service, but if no one knows about it, how can they buy it? You have to tell your story in a way that people will listen, understand and believe in what you offer so they can come back for more of what you have to share with them.

The best stories include real emotions and real people. They have a clear beginning, middle, and end—and they convey a point. Stories that are interesting and entertaining make it easy for us to understand the message being told. Stories that are easy to remember, help us communicate our mission in an engaging way. Finally, stories that are easy to share help us build connections with others so we can spread our story even further!

A good story shows conflict and resolution

Good stories show a problem, or conflict, and how it’s resolved. The conflict can be internal or external, and between people or between people and their environment (their values).

It’s helpful to think of conflicts as being more than just problems that need solving. They’re also about what happens when we try to solve them. For example: if you’re planning a camping trip with friends but you don’t have enough supplies for everyone, then your friend says “We should split up into two groups so I can go with one group while you stay with the other.”

You’re faced with an unexpected dilemma—do what they want? Or do what makes sense? This kind of conflict isn’t necessarily solved by finding another way; instead, it may become even deeper and harder to resolve if the group splits up into smaller groups that have fewer resources available overall.

It’s not about you. It never should be

Your story is about the customer, and how they can benefit from what you have to offer. You’re not the hero of your own story; they are. But that doesn’t mean you can’t play an important role in their lives—and in doing so, become a hero to them as well.

Storytelling helps build trust

If you’re not already talking about your business and its products in the context of a story, it’s probably time to start. Stories are one of the most powerful tools we have to help people understand one another. They help us connect with customers, potential investors, new hires—and even current employees.

When you tell stories about your company or product, you give people something they can relate to on an emotional level. It allows them to see themselves as part of something bigger than themselves—which is exactly what good storytelling does best: it creates community and encourages personal connection.

Storytelling is an excellent way to communicate with your audience in a way that’s more engaging than just listing features and benefits.

It helps customers understand what your product does and how it can help them. It also helps customers understand the problem you solve, and how you solve this problem. Finally, storytelling provides your potential customers with insight into how you’ll continue to improve their experience as well as what they can expect in the future from your brand or company.

Stories attract and retain talent

The story you tell about your company can either be an obstacle to attracting the right talent or a stepping stone to attracting and retaining top employees. When people say they want to work at a company that shares their values, they mean it. The stories you share about your culture and values help potential candidates decide if they want to be part of what you are building, so make sure those stories are true and authentic. If there is anything false or misleading in them, you will lose credibility with more than just one candidate—you’ll lose trust across the board for all of your hiring needs!

Your values are part of your story

Values are the principles that guide us and give our lives meaning. They’re what we stand for and make us who we are. Our values are part of our story, whether it’s your own personal story or a company’s story (or even a product’s).

Take the time to think about what values motivate you and drive your actions. That way, when it comes time to tell others about what you do, you have something meaningful to say—and people will listen!

Your own story can help you attract loyal customers and employees who will help you build a better business. One of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs is to attract loyal customers, employees and partners.

The place to start is with your own story. Your story can help you attract loyal customers and employees who will help you build a better business by telling your story.

Unlike traditional marketing, storytelling is not about selling; it’s about sharing an experience that makes an emotional connection with people who want to support what you do so much that they are willing to pay for it or work for you—often without even knowing what they are getting themselves into!


We hope that you’ve found these tips useful and inspiring. Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to build trust with your audience. It’s also a great tool for building loyalty, attracting new talent and customers, and getting your point across in a memorable way—all at no cost to you!

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